Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Health Update

Health Update

December 25, 2012 at 6:22pm
My dear friends,
I wanted to write d update you all on some health issues I have going on right now. Not many people know yet and it will likely stay that way for a while. It is very hard for me to write right now and it takes me a long time so I am going to try and keep to point.

My port is broken and very painful. After 6 ½ hours in the ER on Saturday we are going to see my surgeon tomorrow (Wednesday).  It is likely it will need to be replaced but we are praying for a miracle and that this one will last.

My seizures have been increasing over the last month. Saturday night I had the worst and longest ever.  I have no memory of this, but when my parents found me they said I was speaking with a strong stutter and very hard to understand. It’s 3 days later and I still have a bad stutter although my family says it sounds like it’s getting better.  It is VERY hard for me to think through sentences and talking gives me like an ice cream headache. Today I am working on learning sign language and other hand gestures to make it easier and less painful to communicate. (Also less frustrating for my family since it takes me a long time to get a word out and it's not always the one I meant to say)

I get admitted into the UofT hospital on the 7th of January for a 5-7 day seizure study to try and find out what is going on. I’m excited about it but I’m sure it will be hard to be off all my meds for that long.

My dear cousin is getting married on the 5th and my brother and I are the photographers. I have been SOOOOO excited about this event and have felt very faith filled that God will give me the health I need to get through it. Please be praying that I can be a full blessing that day and can do my job properly.

I am having a hard time thinking clearly and get confused easily. Because of this I haven’t been able to write or text much and clearly talking is almost impossible so I’m really sorry I have been so quiet and will most likely stay that way for a bit. If you have questions feel free to ask and I will try to answer. You can always call my parents at (419) 452-7212 or text my sister at (419) 551-8836 and they can answer stuff too.

I love you all and just want you to know how thankful I am to have people in my life who are faithful to pray and patient with me and understanding of each new, strange season.

I am happy and blessed and doing my best to face these challenges while living out God’s great grace.

Merry Christmas my dear, dear loved ones!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Surgery Update

Surgery update

September 28, 2012 at 10:35am
Hey everybody,
First off I apologize too all you people who got a billion text from me complaining about how loud my house was. I do tend to ramble after anesthesia. :-)  I really did have like Spiderman hearing yesterday. We think it’s because of the patch they put on my ear to help with nausea. Speaking of which, I always throw up a lot after surgery and I haven’t thrown up one single time.   They gave me three different meds to keep my stomach calm and IT WORKED!  I have even eaten!

My understanding is that the meds will be out of system by about tomorrow and my stomach will be back to its “normal” upset self, but I am really enjoying this non sick time.

Surgery was a bit difficult but they got a port in. I didn’t have much fat for them to work with (bad) and I had too much scar tissue so they put my port in higher than the last few.

My tongue got cut from my breathing tube which really hurts but my biggest problem is that I apparently got two dislocated ribs. I’m not really sure how they dislocated but it’s pretty bad. We don’t know what to do about this since I can’t ride in the car well or have anyone touch my torso without crying, so getting ribs put back in place sounds like torture.  We are still praying about what we should do about this since it’s very hard for me to breath.

I am so deeply thankful that they were able to get the port in which I KNOW is thanks to God’s grace in response to the prayers of all of you.  Thank you so much for all your sweet, encouraging words and wonderful prayers.
My God Is Big Enough!
Much love,

Surgery prep face
Surgery prep face

Beautiful flowers my dear Little Sweet brought me!
Beautiful flowers my dear Little Sweet brought me!

The after
The after

The after
The after

Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Plan

The plan

September 27, 2012 at 8:20am
Hey my people, just a quick note to explain the plan for today.
In a little bit I head into the hospital to have a new IV Port put into my chest. The plan is to use that port to get nutrition and fluids directly into my blood stream.  The reason for this is that I haven't been able to eat or drink much over the last few months and it's gotten bad enough that I need help fast.
The docs are very worried that they will not be able to get a new port into my chest because of old scar tissue and because I have lost so much weight that I don't have any fat for them to put the port into which just complicates things. Also because I am so dehydrated my veins are very fragile and that makes things harder as well.
This is a surgery I have had three times before so I’m used to it, but it’s a much bigger deal this time because of the complications.
Also last night I started sneezing on and off which is not cool because sneezing when you have fresh stitches in your chest in not going to go over well.
I am not able to take a lot of pain medication right now because I don’t have food in my system so recovery from today could be slow and hard.
All these things add up to the simple fact that God is going to have to just be the man in charge today so that all this can go according to His plan. I know that He is big enough and He can deal with all these little details.
Thanks for your prayers everyone. I will try and update when I can.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Strange and funny things about today

April 18, 2012 at 10:50pm
I broke our like 100 year old cabinet today. Snapped it right down the wood. Oops!

It’s April 18th and our famer just planted his field. IT’S APRIL!

The top of the electric poll across the street spun around in the wind and broke.  Good, old Toledo Edison was here to fix it straight away.

I had a dream about being a slave, but I was like awesome at it and gained some new family through it. Oddly enough it was a great dream.

I watched the video of my nephew saying he's adorable like 4 times because it really is so adorable.

I was so unhappy today and yet I was joyful.

I spent a long time trying to figure out what the difference is between a pancake and a flapjack. Anybody?

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Whit's CRAZY week

Whit's week

February 29, 2012 at 4:43pm
It’s a good rule, don’t you think? J
This last week or so has been so ridiculously crazy. I know I’ve written about some of this already, but my brain needs to start from the top.
2/21/12 Tuesday – Whit goes into the ER “profoundly dehydrated”
2/24/12 Friday – Whit spends day in the hospital having tests done on her Liver and Gallbladder
2/27/12 Monday – Whit’s doctor receives test results from Friday’s test and immediately calls and asks                      Whit to come into the office first thing the next morning.   (Whit freaks)
2/28/12 Tuesday – Whit goes in for doc apt at 8:30am. By 11 Whit is sitting on a surgeons table having a PICC line put in. (Strangest day ever)

What a crazy week it’s been!

So here are a few of the details. Doctor said yesterday that this not drinking thing has gotten out of hand and he wanted me to get IV fluids ASAP before I die. He also decided I need to go back on the antibiotic I was on before which is an IV medication.  I need to have my gallbladder looked at by a surgeon and likely have it removed soon.  This was all just a lot to take in all at once and my head was still swirling as we quickly left his office and went to my brothers so I could take a shower before my surgery. (Bad day to decide to shower at night)  They got me in right away at the hospital and before I even knew what was happening they were tying me down to the table and putting a tourniquet on my shoulder.  Now, I’m a planner to my core and it often take my mind a long time to process stuff so having unexpected surgery was really overwhelming for me.  I think I would have handled the pain better if I had had time to prepare.  They had a lot of trouble with the surgery because my veins are so small and dehydrated.  Because I haven’t been able to eat much I had to do the surgery without pain killers which was…unexplainable hard.  They had to try a lot of times before they got the tube into my arm which was so painful.  I was having a hard time not throwing up or passing out because of the pain and just when I thought I was going to have to tell them to give up, the Doc says “I don’t think we are going to get it and will have to start over on the other side”.  I kind of wanted to shoot him, but just started praying that God would make a way for me to get through this.  As I started to pray the doc excitedly announced that He had gotten in.  The worst part of the surgery was that the doctor had to rip open my vain in my upper arm to fit the tube in because my vein was so small.   This is very much not normal and will take extra time to heal.  It is probably the main reason that I am in so much pain today and am still unable to use the line.   The tube starts just above my armpit on my left arm and goes all the way to my heart and, baby, I can feel every inch of it. Not cool!   I’ve had a PICC in before so I’m kind of used to this and know all too well how much my body hates having strange objects in it.  Part of my disease is that I feel things normal people can’t feel and my body processes so much feeling as pain.  In a week or so I should be able to use my arm again, but only gently.  Right now my whole left side is very sore and very weak. I have to use my right arm to even list my left one up.

As of now, I can’t use the line yet as it’s not healed enough which means that I need to get liquid down the old fashion way or I can’t take my pain killers.  As I’m sure you’ve gathered, my pain killers are kind of vital to my life today.  I am praying and trusting that God will help me drink so I can stay medicated.  I had to skip a does this morning and I can’t really function in that much pain. It’s so crazy. The spot where my vein is torn feels like death inside my living body.

I’m really overwhelmed by everything right now and how much everything has to change now because of all this (information for another time) but I am also so thankful to have a God who is not surprised by anything and so faithful to me.  I think maybe more than ever I am thankful to have so many praying for me.  It makes me tear up (in a good way) when you all write to say you are praying. I know that God is listening and acting on your prayers and I’m sure that is what’s getting me through this craziness.
Thank you! I love you all and am just so thankful for such a wonderful friends and such a faithful God.