Friday, June 28, 2013

A look into the depths of Whitney’s journal

A look into the depths of Whitney’s journal

June 28, 2013 at 9:55pm
I’m titling this journal entry Why I Love You.  People have been really getting on my nerves lately and that has forced me to choose between sitting here annoyed and focusing on what I appreciate about the people in my life.  Since being annoyed annoys me, I’ve decided to take a good long look at what I love about people, specifically MY people.

Let’s start with my three boys, aka, my Steak Night family.
First on the list is Adam.  I met Adam about five years ago after knowing his family for a long time before that and always hearing stories of this mysterious, handsome older brother.  I don’t really remember getting to know Adam; I just remember knowing him.  The first thing any sane person would notice about Adam (after you get over how handsome he is)  is that he really cares.  Adam might just be the most naturally honest and genuine person I know.  He can be very secretive and cryptic at times, but what he does choose to tell you is always the truth and everything that comes out of his mouth is so selfless.  Adam has taught me to be kind and sweet and helpful, even when I want to slap people.  He is faithful 100% of the time and gives his all, plus some, to everything he sets his hands to.  I don’t know how I would have gotten through the last five years without his constant love, support, and prayers.
I love you, Bruce!

Shay, my Cookie.  I met Shay through Adam not long after Adam and I started hanging out.  The first time I met him, I couldn’t stop laughing because I had heard so many funny stories from Adam about dumb stuff they had done together late at night all hopped up on cream soda and frozen waffles.  Shay was family the moment he walked into our house.  Shay keeps us on our toes.  You never know what new laser or firecracker he’s got to “play” with or what idea is gonna pop into his head next.  Shay loves with all he has.  If Shay says he loves you, he means it and he’ll prove it.  He has taught me that love is a verb.  He loves to SHOW his love to people and I really honor that about him.  I think he’s a fighter; he doesn’t fight for himself, but he’ll stand up for what he believes in and I hope more of that attribute rubs off on me.  I love you, Cookie!

And last, but not least of my three boys, is my little brother Alex, my Zoozoo.  I’ve known Alex almost his whole life, but our age difference made him on the fringes of my social circle until we got old enough to realize how much we loved each other.  Alex is my little brother to the core, despite our not sharing any DNA.  I trust him with my everything and would gladly cut off my right leg if he ever needed an extra.  Alex is hard to explain to people because if you’ve never met him, it’s like trying to explain a rainbow to a blind person.  Alex is the most Christ-like person I know and being his friend sometimes feels like being one of the disciples or something because Alex lives his life as a natural leader – always walking in truth and wisdom.  Being friends with Alex has grown me up and challenged me to walk with his same dignity and wisdom.  I love you, Zoozoo.

To all my boys, you guys are my core.  I honor and respect each of you with all I have.  Thank you for letting this sick chick into your lives and giving me the honor of praying and worshiping our Creator by your sides.

My Bri Baby.  Bri and I have laughed during funerals, cried during weddings (because we were laughing so hard) and screamed for about three solid miles because we thought we were being attacked by road kill.  Probably more than half of my favorite moments over the last eight years or so have Bri in them.  Despite the fact that she is often far away, Bri is a constant in my life.  Bri is kind and honest and loyal.  She has taught me to be brave and fight for my dreams even when they seem impossible.  Bri is the type of person you miss even when she’s with you because you feel like you just can’t get enough of her.  She loves the unlovable and cares about the people everyone else forgets about or writes off.  Bri, you helped me go from a scared girl to a confident woman.  I love, I love you, Bri Baby!

Everyone needs a North Star in their lives.  Someone that no matter where they go or what they do, you know they will always love you.  Courtney is that in my life.  Sometimes we go months without talking, but we always know how each other are doing; we can just feel it.  She lives 700 miles from me, but she always seems to know when I need her.  I’m pretty sure that even when Courtney and I were getting to know each other, we’ve never done small talk.  We just GET each other.  I can’t tell you what a gift that is.  Courtney is an amazing person.  I’m glad she got to be a wife and a mother before I did, because now I know how to do it right.  I love you, Clover!

Ahh, Seth…I think someone should write out the story of our friendship and turn it into a British soap opera…or maybe a Chinese sitcom, I’m not sure which. ;-) We have been through so many ups and downs together, but we always seem to come back to the fact that we really do love each other. Seth is a doer. Need that wall painted? Done. Need those lights moved? Done.  Need that tough love email sent?  Done.  I think the thing I’ve learned the most from Seth is how to be brave.  He faces change head-on, even when he thinks he’s afraid of it.  (I don’t think he’s really afraid of anything.)  If I need to do something, but I don’t think I can do it or I’m too afraid to try, I call Seth and he firmly, but lovingly talks me into it.  Being friends with Seth has taught me to be Whitney - the Whitney I was created to be, no matter the consequences.  He is also a constant reminder to live in the moment.  To learn from the past, but not to dwell there and to prepare for the future, but not skip ahead.  When I die or get married (whichever comes first), Seth’s speech is the one everyone is going to remember the most, because it will have everyone laughing and crying and taking a good, deep look at their own life.  Seth, thank you for still loving me.  I love you, City Boy!

Makahla.  I have no idea how K and I became friends. We have this picture together from years ago, but I don’t remember taking it and I’m not convinced we were even friends then. ;-)  K is sweet and loving and so empathetic and sometimes (okay, lots of times) that is exactly what I need in my life.  K has taught me about mercy, because she has shown it to me so many times and she lives it out every day.  Lots of people say we look like sisters and our own mothers have mistaken us in pictures before.  I take all that as a huge complement because K is beautiful inside and out.  We may not get to see much of each other, but we are family and I am so thankful to have another sister in my life.   I love you, K!

Amber. Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night after having some crazy pizza dream and you would just kill to have someone you could wake up and tell it to, someone who not only wouldn’t slap you for waking them up at 3 am, but who would also listen and respond with enthusiasm to your dream?  Well, I have that in Amber.  Amber and I can talk to each other without even having to bother to start a sentence; we can just talk.  How cool is that?  Someday I hope to be as brave and honest with myself as she is.  She is a stunningly beautiful, busy wife and mother who has been through more than I can wrap my head around and yet she still cares about little me.  To steal Amber’s words, our friendship is like a warm blanket, fresh out of the dryer.  Someday I hope to live my life as strongly as she does.  I love you, Blanket!

Ana.  Ok, this one is gonna make me cry.  I’ve known Ana less than a year, but she is as precious to me as anyone I know.  She has Lyme Disease like I do and no one understands that side of me quite like she does.  She is gentle and kind-hearted and even when she is frustrated or overwhelmed, she is still so selfless.  I am very honored to be her friend and to be walking this journey with her.  I love you, my sweet Ana.

Kaytlin. Kaytlin is another one of my Lyme Disease sisters.  I’ve never even met her in person, but she is always there when I need her and always willing to listen to me whine and complain about things.  She brings me a sense of familiarity that doesn’t make sense outside of our shared passion for God’s grace. Kaytlin has taught me to be thankful for each day I’m given - a priceless gift.  I love you, Sweet!

Florian.  Flo is the newest member of “My People,” but he’s secretly one of my favorite people ever! He’s like a warrior, strong and brave and true.  He’s open and honest with me and that’s an attribute I really respect in anybody. When Flo is happy, Whitney is happy.  His joy can brighten my hardest of days.  I love you, Babe!

There are so many people in my life who touch and influence me in amazing ways day in and day out, but these were just the few on my heart tonight. And don’t worry, my friends; just because you were on the list doesn’t mean you were one of the people driving me nuts today, honest!  And to all those I love, but didn’t mention tonight, thank you to you also for loving and supporting me over the years and being godly examples for me to follow.  I love you all!