Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Health Update

Health Update

December 25, 2012 at 6:22pm
My dear friends,
I wanted to write d update you all on some health issues I have going on right now. Not many people know yet and it will likely stay that way for a while. It is very hard for me to write right now and it takes me a long time so I am going to try and keep to point.

My port is broken and very painful. After 6 ½ hours in the ER on Saturday we are going to see my surgeon tomorrow (Wednesday).  It is likely it will need to be replaced but we are praying for a miracle and that this one will last.

My seizures have been increasing over the last month. Saturday night I had the worst and longest ever.  I have no memory of this, but when my parents found me they said I was speaking with a strong stutter and very hard to understand. It’s 3 days later and I still have a bad stutter although my family says it sounds like it’s getting better.  It is VERY hard for me to think through sentences and talking gives me like an ice cream headache. Today I am working on learning sign language and other hand gestures to make it easier and less painful to communicate. (Also less frustrating for my family since it takes me a long time to get a word out and it's not always the one I meant to say)

I get admitted into the UofT hospital on the 7th of January for a 5-7 day seizure study to try and find out what is going on. I’m excited about it but I’m sure it will be hard to be off all my meds for that long.

My dear cousin is getting married on the 5th and my brother and I are the photographers. I have been SOOOOO excited about this event and have felt very faith filled that God will give me the health I need to get through it. Please be praying that I can be a full blessing that day and can do my job properly.

I am having a hard time thinking clearly and get confused easily. Because of this I haven’t been able to write or text much and clearly talking is almost impossible so I’m really sorry I have been so quiet and will most likely stay that way for a bit. If you have questions feel free to ask and I will try to answer. You can always call my parents at (419) 452-7212 or text my sister at (419) 551-8836 and they can answer stuff too.

I love you all and just want you to know how thankful I am to have people in my life who are faithful to pray and patient with me and understanding of each new, strange season.

I am happy and blessed and doing my best to face these challenges while living out God’s great grace.

Merry Christmas my dear, dear loved ones!