Thursday, May 9, 2013

Watching the World Go By

Watching the World Go By

May 9, 2013 at 9:49pm
Watching the World Go By
This goes out to all my peeps who are suffering through (not from. We suffer THROUGH!) a long term illness.

I watch the world go by
It seems so strong and so fast and so much more than I can handle
I watch the world go by
I watch it grow up and old without me. I’m still 19, waiting for my dreams to show up
I watch the world go by
She gets thin, he gets distinguished, I get sickly
I watch the world go by
It’s beautiful, its breath taking. I want so much to jumpin, but I’m too weak yet
Maybe someday
I watch the world go by
Everybody gains new skills; they say I gain new “attributes”
You know what you got to do to gain a new attribute… suffer
I watch the world go by
I want to stop it. Tell it to just hold up a min. Tell my nephews and nieces to stop growing up so I can play with them more while they are still young, tell my friends to stop getting married so I can enjoy their company while they are still available to me, tell my parents to stop putting their lives on hold for me…
I watch the world go by
I cry myself to sleep because he left me for some other, more healthy girl, leaving me in love with a dream.
I watch the world go by
I watch it twirl so fast it makes my head spin with it, as I put pill after pill, poison after poison in my body, just to survive.
I watch the world go by
Can’t help but wonder, wonder what my life would be like without this thorn in my side.
I watch the world go by
I watch the cancer patients in the hospital and I realize what an honor it is to smile for them. They don’t get many kind eyes these days.
I watch the world go by
As I sit for 16 hours with an IV dripping slowly, painfully into my veins. Is it worth it? I don’t know.
I watch the world go by
And I see all the growth I’ve gone through. All the things I’ve learned about life and love and death and suffering. Not much really, but maybe still more than most. Maybe enough for me to be who I was created to be.
I watch the world go by
I see so many suffering so much more than I. Who am I to complain about something so small as a disease?
I watch the world go by
And I KNOW with all my heart that my God loves me.
You want to know how I know?
Because He is right here
Watching the world go by with me.
We watch the world go by
We watch the world go by.

(You know we sick people are just like everyone else; we have our good days and our bad. Some days you’re overwhelmed by the sadness and the loneliness of it all, and other day’s you’re filled with hope and joy and excitement.Some days are both. Ha!
 I live an extremely blessed life and most of the time I live feeling that blessed. It’s not all doom and gloom, but life does have its dark moments.
Every day is a different line; every season a new chapter. I have no idea the details of how any of our books are gonna end, but I know mine ends where it all started, with Jesus. I hope you know yours ends there too. If you don’t know where your book ends, hit me up and maybe we can talk about it a little. I’d like that.)

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