Friday, April 29, 2011


As part of my medical plan, I have started using a dry sauna 3 days a week. 
I had my first sauna (Is that how you say it? “I had a sauna”?) yesterday.  It was kind of fun.  I love the way it smells, and I love being warm.  I kind of feel like a princess inside the little room.  I’ve always loved small spaces, the smell of wood and being warm… it’s pretty much my favorite spot right now.  Today I sat in there, listened to Adventures in Odyssey (Laugh at me if you want) and looked through CB2 magazines.  Happy!  It’s really great being in there, but I kind of feel like I just ran a marathon when I get out.  It’s very draining.  Today I knew I was having a bad day because I was in the 115 degree room for 20 min and was cold the whole time and never managed to break a sweat. Silly body.

I am excited to be doing something so good for my body that doesn’t also involve damaging it. This is such a blessing. And did I mention it smells really good? 

1 comment:

  1. Just curious...does your doctor know that you don't break a sweat? Not sure if I'm remembering correctly, but it seems like you're not detoxing if you're not sweating...(not detoxing through your skin (there are multiple ways to expell toxins...breath, kidneys, liver, etc.) But the purpose of the sauna is to help the body to release toxins, right? (i.e. does it have another purpose in your case?)
