Thursday, March 3, 2011

Junk Food.

Since the early Fall I have not been eating meat or sugar. A few weeks ago I found out that I would be cutting a lot more out of my diet as well for 8 long months. So... I decided to eat all the things I love the most! Yup, I gave myself one week to go nuts and eat pretty much nothing but junk. The new diet starts on Monday and I am almost looking forward to it. I'm up for a good challenge. In the mean time I'm enjoying my Mt. Dew, pizza, Lucky Charms, snickers, and honey roasted peanuts.

I haven't eaten this much junk in years! It's awesome!
Who's got some good suggestions on what else I should eat before Monday?

1 comment:

  1. Chocolate Cake, french fries, chocolate chip cookies, brownies, and southern style biscuits:)
