Friday, March 4, 2011

New Room

Guess what… I’m writing this note from my new bed! Ha! You didn’t even know I was getting a new bed did ya?   Surprise!   Well, to be honest it was a surprise to me too.  In a whirlwind of a day, I quite unexpectedly received a new bed and two new pieces of furniture for me room.
What an amazing gift!  
My doctors have been telling me for awhile that I should be using an adjustable bed, but we couldn’t afford it and I didn’t want one more thing in my life to be proof that I’m sick.  I do not like things that set me apart in that way.   I will admit that I was really upset when I found out about the bed at first. I don’t do change well and, like I said, I didn’t want to be reminded that I’m sick enough to need a special bed.  It’s been a few days since I found out I was getting it and now I am so excited about it all.  This bed is truly an amazing gift and I am looking forward to sleeping better at nights because of it. The other new furniture is so beautiful too! Far beyond anything I ever imagined my room having in it.  My father keeps saying how excited he is that I now have “grown up furniture”. Haha!  It’s taken us four days, but my room is finally put back together and everything has a new home.   I think Pete and I will be very happy here! (If you don’t know who Pete is, don’t panic. He’s an inanimate object.)

It is so like God to use His children to provide such a great blessing.  Unfortunately it is also so like me to freak out about a good thing at first.  I really am speechlessly thankful for this new furniture and especially the amazing bed! 

A huge thank you to my grandparents and my father for all his hard work.

I am blessed!

1 comment:

  1. Whitney, you have no idea how blessed we are for you to have that adjustable bed. We didn't know that you felt like you did about one. We feel it is a Luxury for us to each have our own in our bedroom together. God has blessed us with so many things that have helped us with our daily walk with Him as we desire to be used and in order to do that, we have to be well and healthy and getting the proper rest that our bodies require. We pray you will rest well as you sleep each night and wake up each day continuing to Praise and Thank God for his blessings to you as you have been doing all your life. You are such an inspiration to us and others and we know that God will continue to use you to witness for Him.
    We'll have to come and visit your new room one of these days and see for ourself just how beautiful it is. Love, Grandpa & Grandma Turner
